PetenAmy’s On-Air Proposal

Back in 2007, I did a thing. I always said I wanted too upload a higher-quality resolution video – here it is.

Me proposing to Amy on live TV. She was definitely surprised. I’d say it all worked out OK.

May 11, 2007. I remember being so nervous that morning. And I’m someone who’s always prided himself on not ever getting nervous about anything. We had had Amy on the show about a year before this, to talk about her blogging about the Flying Pig Marathon for CinWeekly Magazine. I worked it out ahead of time with my anchors, Todd and Lisa, and the behind-the-scenes crew. Amy legitimately thought she was there just to promote the launch of Cincy Chic. As you can see, she was definitely surprised – but still managed to plug her new publication. The funny thing is – this video tells you so much about who we are – she’s the well thought-out planning type, while I’m Mr. Off-the-Cuff. Somehow, it’s managed to work for us for all of these years. What a lucky guy I am.

We took this photo right after the show. It’s pretty amazing how much better mobile phone photos are now compared to how they looked then…