
We all know who we are, right? We all have our own life experiences. But who are we, really? I’ve been thinking a lot about who I am to my kids – and why it’s important to be the best version of “YOU” that you can be.

You know, I think I’m pretty lucky. I’m blessed to have done some really cool things in my life. As a child, I had all kinds of crazy dreams and ambitions — and I’ve been fortunate enough to achieve many of them. I’ve been on stage. I’ve been on TV. I’ve grown a mustache and a beard (long story — it’s in my bio here on petescalia.com). I got to travel around the world, fall in love, and see and do some pretty incredible things.

I’d also say I’ve been blessed to have endured and experienced hardships in life. To struggle. To live with pain. To know what it’s like to live with a chronic illness. I mean, how can you truly appreciate the good stuff without knowing the bad?

I remember the “me” I used to be — who I was then, and who I am now. Then, the other night, it hit me. You know who doesn’t know *any* of that? My kids. They only know the version of “me” they see every day.

They’ll never know the guy who used to hang upside-down from the rafters while singing with his band at the Blue Note in Cincinnati. They’ll never know the guy who held down retail jobs while booking on-camera gigs and trying to pay the bills. They’ll never know the guy who saw his body deteriorating, wondering if it would ever even be possible for him to become a dad.

They’ll never know daddy before rheumatoid arthritis.

But you know what? I’m still that same guy — on the inside, anyway. That’s something I can control — and you can, too. That’s a pretty powerful thing. Sometimes, it’s hard. But when things get difficult, I always try to remember one of my favorite quotes… In “Meditations,” Marcus Aurelius wrote “You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” No matter what’s happening around us that’s beyond our control — we still have the power to decide how we react to it, and who we choose to be. It’s your choice — so why not choose to be your best self?

#PSNeverGiveUp #RAwarrior #Fortitude #Perseverance #Inspiration